Monday, June 14, 2010

Son's (Muaadh) Call

It was last week, Muaadh first asked me over the phone to buy him jelly. Now, he calls me very often asks for shirts! I love this, and I was waiting to hear this from my son for a long time. He starts to speak now and pronounciation is quite ok when you compare with other children of his same age.

It was during a trip to Jaffna, Muaadh learnt to speak a few more words as there was another boy, a son of my friend who joined us in the trip. Muaadh started paratification during this period of time. He has got two familiar words with him.. 1. Achcha-for good think (something he likes) 2. Kakka-for something he does not like, hahhaa. I love him and miss him and his childish actions as I am away from him working in Vavuniya! Miss u my son! Now he calls my mom very often and asks for Zuma, my sister's daughter, he likes her very much as they used to play with sand when he happends to go to my mother's place durng weekends.